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Gävle: Half day seminar for doctoral candidates - rights, obligations and stress


Are you a doctoral student? Then this half day seminar is for you! And it comes with a free lunch (yes, there is such a thing).

The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers SULF invites you for lunch and an afternoon focusing on questions concerning the position as a doctoral student.

Date:            Wednesday, March 7  2024
Time:            12.30-16.30
Place:          House Freja, room 99: 133, Högskolan i Gävle

12.30 – 13.00: Registration, mingle and lunch
13.00 – 13.15: Welcome speech.
13.15 – 15.30: Rights and obligations! What to do about stress? With SULF  ombudsman Catrine Folcker
14.30 – 15.00: Coffee break
15.30 – 16.30: Meet the local SULF organization! What can SULF do for you? Why shall I be a member of SULF? Conclusion and end of the day.

The seminar is free, but you need to register on the link further down to participate.
You do not have to be a member with SULF or some other Saco-S connected organization to take part in the event.

Register below. Last day for registration is March 4.

All the best
SULF and SULF at Högskolan i Gävle

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