If you have received information from Folksam that your insurance has been terminated; If you don’t have cancelled your membership, you have nothing to worry about. The insurances have not been  terminated and still applies. SULF and Folksam apologize for the incorrect information. Folksam will send out information and a confirmation that the insurance is valid.

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The SULF Doctoral Candidate Association

The SULF Doctoral Candidate Association is the PhD candidate association of SULF, a politically and religiously independent union. We strive to make your voice heard in our mission to improve the working conditions for PhD candidates at Swedish Universities.

The SULF Doctoral Candidate Association is the PhD candidate association of SULF, a politically and religiously independent union. We strive to make your voice heard in our mission to improve the working conditions for PhD candidates at Swedish Universities. Our goal is that PhD candidates shall enjoy good working conditions, economic security, fair and equal treatment, transparency and legal certainty, at all Swedish higher education institutions, from application and admission to thesis defence including migration-related issues.

Report: Aliens in Academia (March 2022)
The report from SFS-DK and SULF-DCA presents stories of PhD candidates who have been personally affected by the new legislation. While the issue has been broadly discussed from macro perspectives such as Sweden’s attractiveness for research funding, this report provides the perspective of people with actual names, hopes, dreams, anxieties and fears. You can download the full report The Aliens in Academia here

About SULF's Doctoral Candidate Association

We are working for approximately 3,450 PhD members by monitoring labor issues, employment terms, admissions, equality, the post-doctorate labor market and the quality of the PhD education. Our activities derive equally from our democratic statutes and activity plan; accessible through this site.

As a member of SULF, you are given the opportunity to engage with others in the struggle that is union work, and help with improving local conditions. You also get access to a helpline for navigating the jungle of Swedish laws and regulations, offers of membership services abroad, a salary research tool, access to fair insurance, the SULF magazine, get the latest PhD news and more.

Join us on Facebook!

Working Groups 2024-2025

The labour conditions of PhD candidates play a crucial role in shaping our academic journey and overall well-being. At SULF-DCA, we are dedicated to advocating for significant improvements in these conditions to foster a thriving academic environment. Our focus includes pushing for equitable and fair salary structures, ensuring a supportive and inclusive work environment, promoting work-life balance, and securing comprehensive benefits for all PhD candidates in Sweden. By addressing these core issues, we aim to empower PhD students to excel not only in their academic and professional endeavours but also in their personal lives. This working group is actively engaged in identifying and addressing the current challenges faced by PhD students regarding their labour conditions. We work in close collaboration with universities, governmental bodies, and other stakeholders to develop and implement solutions that will enhance the quality of life and work for PhD students across Sweden.

Contact: dca@sulf.se

International PhD candidates in Sweden are facing increasingly challenging conditions due to restrictive migration policies. These policies not only threaten our research progress and limit access to educational and professional development opportunities, but also negatively impact our overall quality of life and future career prospects. Moreover, uncertainties in residency status make early-career researchers more vulnerable to workplace discrimination and exploitation. SULF-DCA is committed to advocating for more equitable and transparent migration policies that better support non-EU/EEA PhD students. We are also pushing for Swedish universities to take a more active role in providing robust support systems to help these students navigate complex immigration-related matters. By doing so, we aim to mitigate the adverse effects of current migration policies on their academic and professional lives. Our ongoing efforts include thorough investigations into how these policies impact international PhD candidates, and we are eager to gather personal experiences related to challenges in applying for residency extensions, permanent residence, and long-term residence permits.

Contact: dca@sulf.se

Authorship and research ethics are fundamental aspects of academic integrity, especially for PhD candidates, who are often at the forefront of research projects. Navigating these issues can be complex due to the existing power dynamics within higher education institutions. PhD candidates may face pressures to include co-authors who have contributed minimally to the research, or experience the appropriation of their intellectual property by senior researchers. At SULF-DCA, we recognize the need for clearer guidelines and stronger regulations regarding research and publication ethics, particularly in relation to claims of co-authorship. Our working group is dedicated to investigating these multifaceted issues, with the goal of establishing clear criteria for co-authorship and ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights within doctoral research. We aim to provide PhD candidates with the necessary resources and support to challenge unjust practices and entrenched power structures that could undermine their contributions to academic research.

Contact: dca@sulf.se

In Sweden, the Higher Education Ordinance 6:29 mandates that all PhD candidates at Swedish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) must have an Individual Study Plan (ISP). This plan outlines a PhD candidate’s research project, completed and planned course credits, supervision arrangements and other crucial aspects of their doctoral education. The ISP documents the reciprocal agreements between the institution, supervisors, and the doctoral candidate, ensuring that all parties adhere to agreed-upon responsibilities and goals. Despite its importance, there is no standardized format for ISPs across Swedish HEIs, leading to inconsistencies in content and structure. Some institutions have adopted advanced digital formats integrated with systems like Ladok, while others continue to use basic templates that may lack essential details. These disparities can result in varied levels of support and quality in doctoral supervision and research outcomes. To address this issue, SULF-DCA is undertaking a comprehensive project to gather and analyze best practices in ISP content and format from HEIs across the country. Our goal is to collaborate with these institutions to establish standardized, high-quality ISP practices that ensure a consistent and supportive doctoral education environment throughout Sweden. The best practices we have identified are now available for download here (pdf).

Contact: dca@sulf.se

Our team is dedicated to providing PhD candidates in Sweden with essential, up-to-date guidance through the Starter Kit. This resource is curated by a group of PhD candidates who have first-hand experience with the challenges and opportunities associated with pursuing a PhD in Sweden. The Starter Kit covers crucial areas such as Swedish regulations, admission procedures, housing, PhD student rights and obligations, conflict resolution with supervisors, residence permit-related issues, and other practical information needed for a successful doctoral journey. We believe that a well-informed PhD candidate is empowered to navigate the complexities of their academic path with confidence. As such, this guide is designed to be a comprehensive resource for understanding the nuances of doctoral education in Sweden.

Our commitment to continuous improvement means that we actively seek feedback, experiences, and suggestions from current PhD candidates. Your input is invaluable in making this guide more comprehensive and beneficial for future generations of PhD candidates. We expect that the updated version be published before the end of 2024.

Contact: dca@sulf.se

PhD candidates in Sweden have the right to access courses that enhance their research and academic skills. However, there have been instances where universities have inappropriately charged course fees to PhD candidates, which is not aligned with the principles of academic accessibility and fairness. The PhD Courses working group is focused on raising awareness about the availability of fee waivers for PhD courses at other institutions and advocating against any malpractice related to the charging of course fees to PhD candidates. We encourage PhD students to report any such issues so that we can work towards ensuring that all candidates have equal access to the educational resources they need to succeed in their research.

Contact: dca@sulf.se

The SULF Doctoral Candidate Association is the representative body for the doctoral candidate members of SULF. To ensure that our governance is transparent, democratic, and representative of all members, the SULF-DCA Board is elected at an Annual General Meeting by delegates from SULF local organizations across Sweden. As the number of these local organizations continues to grow, it has become necessary to review our democratic processes to ensure they remain robust and inclusive. The Revision of the Statutes working group has been formed to explore ways to improve the electoral process and to determine whether the DCA Statutes need updating to reflect the evolving structure of the organization. This review is critical to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the DCA in representing the interests of PhD candidates nationwide.

Contact: dca@sulf.se

The SULF Doctoral Candidate Association board 2024-2025

The Board was elected at the annual general meeting held in April 2024. Please contact us if you have any questions or information that you think would be of interest to the board. You can contact us though our mutual e-mail.

  • Mohamed Al-Sabri, Chair, Uppsala University
  • Haro de Grauw, Vice-Chair, Lund University

    Ordinary Board Members:
  • Aimee Miles, Uppsala University
  • Fubu Ngubu, Linnaeus University
  • Isabel Garcia Velazquez, Linköping University
  • Habib Sadri Nooshabadi, Jönköping University
  • Konstantin Golpayegani, Mid Sweden University
  • Miaoxin Gong, Lund University

    Alternate Board Members:
  • Alma Dautovic, University West
  • Orkun Aydin, Uppsala University

Nomination Committee

Email the nomination committee



Statutes for the SULF Doctoral Candidate Association

Management reports
Plan of operations

Other documents

The SULF Doctoral Candidate Association opinion document 2018

The SULF Doctoral Candidate Association vision document 2015-2017
On being supervised and on supervising doctoral candidates