SULF’s membership service telephone hours from February 17 are Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 09.00-11.30,  telephone 08-505 836 00 (menu option 2).

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27 March

SULF Doctoral Candidate Association Contact Day

Are you a PhD candidate and want to learn more about how trade unions work to improve conditions in higher education? Perhaps you have some ideas on what we should be fighting for, or want to get involved? We want to hear from you!

The SULF Doctoral Candidate Association is inviting doctoral candidates from all over Sweden to our national Contact Day in Stockholm. Come and listen to speakers from the Doctoral Candidate Association, from SULF and from Saco, presenting the various components of the trade union system. We want to hear your views: what issues are most important to you, at your higher education institution or nationally? What would you like us to work on in the future?

SULF will cover the cost of a train ticket and lunch – places are limited, first come first served!

Date: 27th of March
Time: 10.00-15.30
Venue: Coor Konferens/Saco, Lilla Nygatan 14, Stockholm
Language: English
Registration: Register by filling in the form at the bottom of the page. Once you have registered for the event, please book your journey as soon as possible, more information below. SULF will pay for your train ticket and lunch, provided you are a PhD candidate and a SULF member. If you are not already a member, you can register as a member here.

Primary schedule 

10.00 Doors open; fika
10.15 Sanna welcoming members
10:25 Robert Andersson RP updates and working environment & Q&A
11.30 Colin Andersson, Saco Student, Saco student and political advocacy and Q&A
12.00–12.30 Whole-group discussion
12.30–13.30 Lunch
13.30–14.15 Presentation and updates from SULF–DCA
14.15–14.45 Discussion in small groups
14.45–15.30 Discussion in whole group, Q&A, and final words from the Board

Book your journey

  • Please book your journey, as soon as possible by filling out this form and email it to our travel agents, FCM Travel, You can also call them, 0770-456 471, and they will help you with your booking. Tell them you are booking for SULF (Sveriges universitetslärare och forskare) and that the purpose of the journey is "doctoral candidate association".
  • You may book a round trip train ticket (second class), within Sweden, to Stockholm central station. If you live far away, e.g. Malmö or Umeå, you may book a sleeper train if you want (sleeping car, shared compartment).
  • You may not book hotel accommodation. However, you may book your journey to Stockholm on an earlier date, or your journey back on a later date, if you choose to make your own arrangements for staying overnight.
  • As a general rule you should travel by train, not by plane. However, we can allow exceptions if you live at a location from where a train journey to Stockholm without overnight hotel accommodation is clearly unreasonable (e.g. Luleå) or if travel by sleeper train is not an option for you. If you need to travel by plane, please contact Mohamed Al-Sabri on


Do you have any questions? Contact Mohamed Al-Sabri on