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November 20, 2023

Lund: The Swedish Pension System – how does it work?

Please note that this event passed more than a week ago.

See all upcoming events in our calendar.

Take the opportunity to listen to the Swedish Pension Agency that will give a lecture about the Swedish pension system in English.
- How does the pension system work?
- How do I earn my pension?
- What life choices affects my pension?
- What happens to my pension if I move from Sweden?

Information officer Alexandros Maditianos from the Swedish Pensions Agency will go through the pension system and clear up any questions you may have.

Time: November 20, 15.15 to 16.45
Venue: Auditorium (Hörsalen, SOL:H104),  Centre for Languages and Literature, Helgonabacken 12, Lund

There will be a zoom option, join here.

The seminar is arranged by SULF and Saco-S at Lund university.

Please register below to secure you seat in the auditorium.

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