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Seminar: Uncertainty – a reality for junior researchers in Sweden

The responsibility for forms of employment lies with the higher education institutions, and it is they who must create the conditions necessary for Sweden to be a prominent research nation.

Seminar 20 May 12.00-13.00, Uncertainty – a reality for junior researchers in Sweden
Welcome to a digital seminar about the situation for junior researchers in Sweden. The SULF and NJF report Uncertainty – a reality for junior researchers in Sweden shows that junior researchers in Sweden can hold a wide range of positions and titles. Today researchers in higher education face great uncertainty. This is especially true for researchers who are at the beginning of their academic careers. Perhaps the biggest uncertainty concerns career paths. How can we change the current situation?


  • Birgitta Henriques Normark, Academic Vice President for Research at KI
  • Sigbritt Karlsson, rector of KTH,
  • Mats Ericson, president of SULF,
  • Cecilia Engdahl, National Junior Faculty

Moderator: Karin Åmossa, SULF

The seminar is in English.
Join with zoom.

Hosts: SULF and National Junior Faculty, NJF
Time: 20 May at 12.00-13.00