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Webinar: What kind of problems with the migration rules do doctoral candidates face and how does the regulation really work?

SULF:s Doctoral Candidate Association will present the results and conclusions from their survey. After that we will present information on the rules as they are at the moment, were to find more information and also remind you about the ongoing enquiry with the aim to improve the regulations and their directives. We will reserve a lot of time for questions and you are welcome to send your questions in advance when you register.

Please check our extensive faq about migration issues at the SULF web page before you submit the question.

Date: October 4th Time: 11.30-13.00
Language: English
Presenters: Robert Andersson, SULF, Habib Sadri Nooshabadi and Asia Della Rosa from the the SULF Doctoral Candidate Association

Register here . You will get a zoom link when you have registrered.