SULF’s membership service telephone hours from February 17 are Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 09.00-11.30,  telephone 08-505 836 00 (menu option 2).

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Health insurance for members of SULF

Health insurance from Folksam is included in the SULF membership. The insurance is free of charge for all working members of SULF, and you do not need to do anything to add the cover.

Health insurance gives you greater security, as it provides compensation for lost income in the event of long-term sick leave by supplementing the compensation you receive from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).

The insurance:

  • covers all working SULF members,
  • is payable if your capacity for work is reduced by 25-100 per cent,
  • provides compensation you are unable to work for one of the following reasons:
    • preventive care,
    • care of a close relative
    • care of a seriously ill child.

You can read more about this health insurance benefit on the Folksam website. If you have any questions about the insurance, you can also call them on 0771-950 950.

Frequently asked questions

We have compiled a list of questions and answers regarding the free health insurance for SULF’s members.

Compensation can be paid after three months if your capacity for work is reduced by 25 per cent or more. Compensation is paid for a maximum of two months and provides up to SEK 2,100 per month in the event of total incapacity for work. The qualifying period is 90 days.

All working members who are entitled to receive sickness benefit are covered by the insurance.

The insurance applies to new sick leave periods that begin on or after 1 January 2023.

Go to or call Folksam on 0771-950 950.

No, you should keep your voluntary health insurance. If you are still unable to work after two months, the voluntary health insurance continues to pay compensation for up to 36 months.

You will receive the higher compensation level after 90 days.

No, the health insurance is a membership benefit that is paid for by SULF and it is included automatically in your normal membership fee.

  • All working members of SULF have greater financial security in the event of incapacity for work.
  • The premium for the voluntary health insurance is lowered for all members.