If you have received information from Folksam that your insurance has been terminated; If you don’t have cancelled your membership, you have nothing to worry about. The insurances have not been  terminated and still applies. SULF and Folksam apologize for the incorrect information. Folksam will send out information and a confirmation that the insurance is valid.

SULF:s Membership service is closed today, October 25

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When you are employed at a workplace where there is a collective agreement, you are automatically covered by a range of insurance policies that we agreed with your employer. You can also supplement these with discounted private insurances through our cooperation with Folksam.

Collective insurances

Here you can find a brief summary of the insurance cover you have under the collective agreement, what compensation you may be entitled to and the enormous value of our collective agreements.

Supplementary private insurance cover

Here you can read more about the range of supplementary insurance cover that SULF members have access to through our partnership with Folksam.

Insurances included in the SULF membership

Income insurance

If you are a member of SULF, income insurance is included in your membership. In order to receive this benefit you must be entitled to income-related benefits from a Swedish a-kassa, for example Akademikernas a-kassa. So you need to be a member of both SULF and Akademikernas a-kassa in order to take advantage of this insurance.

This insurance scheme is particularly suited to the challenges SULF members encounter in their academic careers. In the other income insurance schemes, periods on scholarships or full-time doctoral studies with no employment position cause problems, but we have anticipated these situations and you are able to disregard certain periods which improves your chances of receiving benefits. We also maximize your potential to combine support from the Job Security Foundation with SULF income insurance. For example if you are entitled to 44 days of benefit from the Job Security Foundation, you can then carry on with all 150 days of SULF income insurance.

Read more about the income insurance here.

Health insurance

A health insurance from Folksam is included in the SULF membership. The insurance, which covers all working members, is free of charge and you don’t have to do anything to add the cover.

The health insurance gives you greater financial security in the event of incapacity for work, as it provides compensation for lost income in the event of long-term sick leave. It supplements the compensation you are entitled to receive from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).

Read more about the health insurance here.