March 10-21, the SULF membership register is only accessible by e-mail.

Routines/checklist for new digital tools

SULF has written a guide and checklist for use when introducing new digital tools or changes to existing ones.  The purpose of this guide is to support workplaces and facilitate dialogue with employers on these matters.

Questions to consider:

  1. Has the employer evaluated the old IT system/programs before defining the need for a new one?
  2. Has the employer conducted a needs analysis prior to implementation/purchase of the IT system/program?
  3. Has an impact assessment been carried out before introducing the new IT system?
  4. Has an impact assessment been carried out before introducing the new program?
  5. Have impact assessments been made for different types of update and other changes?
  6. Have these issues been raised for discussion at workplace meetings?
  7. How are employees involved in these issues?
  8. How are employee representatives and trade unions involved in these issues?
  9. How is the health and safety organisation involved in these issues?
  10. How does the communication/information flow on these matters occur between the different groups?
  11. Is there information available on who is responsible for implementation of the different parts of the process?
  12. Does the employer monitor whether implemented updates and changes to IT systems/programs work satisfactorily?