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Your search for pay yielded 5 results

Absence from work that qualifies for holiday pay

If you are off work without pay, that time does not usually contribute to your holiday pay allocation
Work, salary and benefits
Holiday, Leave, Parental leave

Parental allowance and supplementary parental allowance

How much parental pay will you receive?
Work, salary and benefits
Parental leave

Parental leave

postgraduate employment, scholarships, the consequences of part-time work, how to calculate your sick pay
Work, salary and benefits
Parental leave

Sickness benefit qualifying income (SGI)

SGI protection You normally have an SGI as long as you work and pay tax.
Work, salary and benefits
Doctoral candidate/doctoral studies, Parental leave, Sickness

Working abroad and parental leave and allowance

postgraduate employment, scholarships, the consequences of part-time work, how to calculate your sick pay
Work, salary and benefits
Parental leave, Postdok/working abroad