Local union representative
Contact your local Saco-S association if you have questions about salaries, working hours, terms of employment or working environment, or if you need negotiation support regarding a specific issue. You will find contact information here.
SULF member’s helpline
Contact SULF member’s helpline for general or more fundamental issues regarding labour and employment law. Call 08-505 836 00, press 1, or email radgivning@sulf.se. Available by email every weekday, phone hours Wednesdays 1-3 p.m. and Fridays 9-11.30 a.m.
SULF membership service
If you have questions about your membership, benefits, fees, invoices or our members’ magazine Universitetsläraren please contact SULF membership service. Call 08-505 836 00, press 2, or email medlem@sulf.se. Available by email every weekday, telephone hours weekdays 9-11.30 a.m.