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Uppsala: insights about trade unions (for doctoral candidates)


Are you a doctoral candidate interested in gaining insights into how trade unions work to enhance conditions in higher education? Perhaps you have ideas on what issues we should fight for or want to actively participate? The SULF Doctoral Candidate Association invites doctoral candidates at Uppsala University to our national Contact Day in Uppsala.

Join us for discussions with board members of the SULF Doctoral Candidate Association and Local SULF. We value your input: what issues matter most to you, either at your higher education institution or on a national level? What would you like us to focus on in the future? Fika will be offered.

Date: Friday, 9th of February
Time: 15:00–16:00
Venue: The Netzelius lecture room, Campus Blåsenhus, Von Kraemers allé 1A, Uppsala.
Language: English
Registration: Please register by filling in the form below.

We look forward to engaging in a meaningful exchange of ideas and perspectives. See you there!