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Open access

Open access to publicly funded research

Many of the world’s democracies are moving towards a system of open access to publicly funded research and science. The term open access is a collective term that includes open access to research data and scientific publications from publicly funded research.

The Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Royal Library (KB) are tasked with coordinating Sweden’s move towards an open system for science with regard to research data and research results. Naturally, open access to research data and results must take place within the framework of current legislation, including with regard to GDPR, the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act and copyright rules.

The new system of open access does not mean that there will be changes to the copyright protection rules. However, the new system will probably mean that agreements on the transfer of usage rights will look different. One of the preconditions for obtaining public research funding will also probably be more far-reaching when it comes to the transfer of the right of use, namely a requirement for far-reaching open access. However, there are no signs that copyright and the specific teachers’ copyright exemption will be weakened as a result of open access.

Since freedom of contract exists with regard to copyright holders’ transfer of the right to use material, it cannot be said that financiers' requirements for open access and links to certain licences are contrary to copyright rules. It is simply up to each copyright holder to determine whether they wish to accept the requirements for the receipt of public research funding or not, (although we realise that it is not exactly perceived as voluntary if researchers need public funding for their research).