If you have received information from Folksam that your insurance has been terminated; If you don’t have cancelled your membership, you have nothing to worry about. The insurances have not been  terminated and still applies. SULF and Folksam apologize for the incorrect information. Folksam will send out information and a confirmation that the insurance is valid.

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Work environment

Occupational Injury

Occupational Injury Insurance

Have you been injured while at work? You can receive compensation through the occupational injury insurance system. Find out more at Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency) website.

If you have suffered a work injury, you may be entitled to compensation from AFA Försäkring, in some cases even if you have not received any compensation from Försäkringskassan. Submit an application for compensation  to AFA and they will investigate if you are covered by the PSA (the Compensation for Personal Injury Agreement).