From 24 March, is the telephone hours  open on Mondays and Wednesdays 09.00-11.30 a.m. for SULF:s membershipservice.

Membership insurances


Folksam – Health insurance

A health insurance from Folksam is included in the SULF membership. The insurance, which covers all working members, is free of charge and you don’t have to do anything to add the cover.

The health insurance gives you greater financial security in the event of incapacity for work, as it provides compensation for lost income in the event of long-term sick leave. It supplements the compensation you are entitled to receive from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).

Read more about the health insurance here.

Life gives rise to more legal issues than you might imagine. Living together, marriage, children, divorce and drawing up a will: what exactly do you need to do?

With legal insurance from Folksam, you have access to experienced lawyers from Familjens Jurist. You will be entitled to 15 hours of legal advice a year, as well as help with writing legal documents. Feel confident that you have done things correctly when it matters the most.

The policy covers four areas:

    • legal advice concerning family law,

    • legal protection,

    • peace-of-mind advice

    • and assistance in the event of identity theft.

Frequently asked questions about Folksam Legal Insurance for members of SULF.

As a member of SULF, you can sign up for legal insurance with Folksam for only SEK 45 per month. Read more and sign up for our legal insurance.

Folksam – Group and Life Insurance

As a member of SULF you can get access to collective insurance at preferential rates through Folksam for you and the family:

    • Life insurance

    • Health endowment insurance

    • Health and medical insurance

    • Accident insurance

    • Health insurance

As a new SULF member who is in employment, you are automatically covered by a number of insurance policies. These are free of charge for the first three months. If you do not cancel these insurances within the first three months of your membership, you can keep them at a discounted price.

Would you like to extend the starter offer from Folksam?

Then you don’t have to do anything, except pay the invoice when it arrives.

Would you like to cancel the starter offer?

Then you have to opt out of the insurance policies by logging in to Folksams My pages or by using the detachable section of the letter you receive in post.

Folksam – Free insurance consultation

Folksam offers members of SULF a free one-hour consultation to help you go through your insurance coverage. This offer applies to all members, whether you have insurance from Folksam or not. Take advantage of this opportunity to review your insurance coverage to ensure that it is suitable for your current circumstances.

Read more and book your consultation.

Trygg Hansa

Home and car insurance from

As a member of SULF, you have access to special deals on insurance solutions. These include insurance for your home and holiday home, as well as for your car and boat.

A special insurance for guest researchers

Guest doctoral candidates and postdocs have access to the same terms and conditions in their home insurance. For members with smaller homes and few personal possessions in Sweden, there is a specially designed insurance with a lower insured amount of SEK 200,000 for the movable property, rather than the standard Trygg-Hansa terms of SEK 1.5 million.

Your benefits as a member of SULF:

    • Always at least 10 per cent discount on your home insurance.

    • A first-year discount of 10 per cent on your car insurance and 20 per cent on your home insurance. Additionally, you can receive extra discounts if you have more than one insurance through Trygg Hansa.

    • In the event of involuntary unemployment, you will not need to pay for your home insurance and car insurance premium for up to 12 months following the 6-month qualifying period.

For more information, please see the Trygg Hansa website (in Swedish).