Salary statistics and Saco Lönesök
SULF’s salary statistics
This is where you can find salary statistics for employees at Swedish higher education institutions. In addition to statistics, the downloadable material also contains advice on how to prepare for your salary dialogue and other useful information about your salary.
Saco Lönesök – salaries database
Saco Lönesök is a web service that offers access to salary statistics from Sweden’s largest database for salaries of academics. It is based on salary data from over 300,000 academics. You can easily generate tailor-made information about salaries within your professional group.
If you are a member – log in to access the salary statistics
If you are a member you can access SULF and Saco-S salary statistics on your pages. Log in to My Pages and click on Salary statistics. The salary statistics are in Swedish.
If you have not had time to become a member, it’s easy to fill out an application here.