At present SULF membership register is only accessible by e-mail.


Reimbursement of medical expenses

Under Villkorsavtal-T, Chapter 7, state employees are entitled to reimbursement for certain medical expenses such as medical care, dental care, hospital care or prescription drugs.

Medical, dental and psychological care
Medical expenses (not preventive care), dental (oral surgery) and mental care are reimbursed by the employer to a maximum of SEK 95 per visit.

Expenses for physiotherapy treatment are reimbursed by the employer at a maximum of SEK 55 per visit. In order to be covered, the physiotherapy treatment must be provided by a qualified physiotherapist following referral by a doctor.

In-patient hospital treatment is reimbursed by the employer at a maximum of SEK 70 per day of treatment.

Costs for prescription, discounted medications are reimbursed by the employer. One precondition for reimbursement of costs is that registration has taken place in a pharmacy card or high-cost card and receipts are provided.

Healthcare, etc. during work abroad
If you become ill during a business trip or posting abroad, the employer reimburses reasonable and, if possible, verified costs for medical care, dental care and medication.

Please be aware that there may be local collective agreements at your university covering these issues. Contact your local union representatives for more information about the regulations where you work.