Transition agreement in the private sector
Private sector - employees at higher education institutions that are members of the Employers' Alliance
For those employed at:
- Beckman College of Design
- Marie Cederschiöld University
- Red Cross College
- Stockholm School of Economics
- Stockholm School of Theology
- University College of Music Education in Stockholm
- Örebro Theological College
Transition Agreement in brief
For employees at institutions linked to the Employers' Alliance, there is a Transition Agreement that, under certain conditions, includes people who have been made redundant from permanent positions or whose fixed-term contract expires. Support for those who qualify is provided by TRS. A list of educational institutions linked to the Employers' Alliance is given above.
Requirements for cover
To be covered by this Agreement you must either:
1. Have been given notice from a permanent position of at least 8 hours of work per week due to redundancy or illness, or
2. Had a fixed-term contract at one or more employers in the agreement area for at least 18 months during the last five-year period (the last position must consist of at least 8 hours of work per week).
Support from TRS
To be entitled to apply for topping up of unemployment insurance benefit from TRS you must have been employed, on a permanent or fixed-term basis, by one or more employers in the agreement area for at least five uninterrupted years. The agreement makes it possible for you to receive topping up of unemployment insurance benefits for a maximum of 18 months:
• Up to 75% of your previous salary for six months.
• Then up to 70% for another six months.
• Then 50% for another six-month period.
In total, benefits paid out may not exceed SEK 250 000. For individuals aged 60 or over, benefits may be paid for a slightly longer period.
Read more about the agreement TRR/TRS.
Frequently asked questions
What if I am entitled to the topping up of unemployment benefits due to the Employers' Alliance agreement - can I also get support from SULF income insurance?
You typically cannot simultaneously receive payment through transition agreements and SULF income insurance. The law on unemployment benefits states that you at most may receive unemployment benefits equivalent to 80% of your previous income.
In order to be able to receive topping up from SULF income insurance you need to first have exhausted all opportunities for payments from TRS. Consequently if you have the right to topping up of unemployment insurance benefits from the Transition Fund, you must apply for this first. If you are entitled to benefits from TRS, SULF income insurance will top up your benefits so that everything together corresponds to 80% of your former income as registered at Akademikernas a-kassa, i.e. 5% on top of the benefits TRS pays out in the first six months and 10% for the period after that for up to a total of 150 benefit days. Remember that your 150 days of benefits are counted as full days even for the period you have less topping up as described above. If you are not entitled to benefits from TRS, then you may instead apply for benefits from SULF income insurance as soon as you become unemployed.