SULF:s medlemsregister telefontider från och med 17 februari är måndag, onsdag och fredag kl 09.00-11.30 på telefon 08-505 836 00 (menyval 2). / SULF’s membership service telephone hours from February 17 are Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 09.00-11.30,  telephone 08-505 836 00 (menu option 2).

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10 februari 2025

KTH: lunch seminar for doctoral candidates

Observera att denna händelse ägde rum för mer än en vecka sedan.

Se allt kommande i vårt kalendarium.

Welcome to a lunch seminar for doctoral candidates with focus on migration issues.
Presenter: Robert Andersson, Head of Negotiations at SULF.

The seminar in English will address questions like:
- Who needs a residence permit?
- What is required to get a permanent residence permit or citizenship?
- How does the social security system work?
- Do I have the right to unemployment benefit?
- Are only Swedish citizens entitled to Swedish pensions?

The seminar will also cover the difference regarding the rules for EU/non-EU citizens, the differences between scholarships and employment and special rules for doctoral candidates.

Q&A session at the end of the seminar.

Time: February 10, 12.15-13.45
Place: KTH, K2, Teknikringen 28

Lunch wrap will be provided for those who sign up latest by the 4th of February. Please register in the form below.

/Saco-S at KTH

The event is fully booked. Please contact if you want to be on the waiting list.