From 24 March, is the telephone hours  open on Mondays and Wednesdays 09.00-11.30 a.m. for SULF:s membershipservice.

SULF – we know higher education and research!

The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers, SULF, is the association for university teachers, researchers and doctoral candidates. We negotiate, inform, debate and influence the development of higher education and research – both now and in the future.

About SULF

We know higher education and research – higher education is our area.

SULF is a member of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (Saco), whose members are professionals with university or college education.

SULF has:


SULF is created by academic teachers and researchers. The main focus is on the members. Please contact  your local SULF-association for more information.


The Congress is the supreme governing body of SULF. The congress consists of 101 members and convenes every three years. The congress elects the President, First, Second and Third Deputy Presidents of the Association and members of the board.

Read more about the Congress 2024, November 21-22 (in Swedish).

The SULF board

The board consists of fifteen regular members and five deputy members. Within the board there is a president, first, second and third deputy presidents. Sanna Wolk is president. Contact details to the board.

Nominations Committee and Remuneration Board

Nominations Committee 2024-2027:

  • Marie Hoen, convener, Lunds universitet
  • Eric Stempels, Uppsala universitet
  • Megan Case, Högskolan Dalarna
  • Håkan Alm, Högskolan i Borås
  • Berit Bergström, Umeå universitet
  • Maria Savela, Högskolan i Gävle

Remuneration Board 2024-2027: 

The Negotiating Delegation

The Negotiating Delegation is a preparatory body under the SULF Board.  It provides information and recommendations for the Board’s decisions and monitors the central collective agreements. The members of the Negotiating Delegation are appointed by the SULF Board.

Håkan Lindkvist, Umeå universitet (ordf.) 
Adam Brenthel, Lunds universitet 
Ingrid Lander, Stockholms universitet 
Krzysztof Marciniak, Linköpings universitet 
Maja Pelling, Göteborgs universitet 
Björn Ericsson, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm 
Helen Andersson, Örebro universitet 
Maria Savela, Högskolan i Gävle 
Robert Malmgren, Uppsala universitet 
Niklas Wikström, Försvarshögskolan