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Working hours

Working hours

When we talk about working hours, we mean so much more than how many hours you work. It is about what you fill your working time with, for example, and the boundaries between working time and other time. These are issues that are closely linked to your work environment. In 2020, many of SULF's members have worked tremendously hard to deliver in line with the requirements brought by digital transformation. It has required a lot of work and sometimes also overtime or additional hours. That is why we would now like to raise the subject of working time.

The Swedish Working Hours Act

Working time is regulated in different ways and through different agreements, but the foundation is the Working Hours Act (Arbetstidslag (1982:673)), which includes provisions on matters such as how much you may work per day, week and year. But the law is non-binding, which means that it is possible to regulate matters in collective agreements. You can read the full text of the Working Hours Act (1982: 673) here (in Swedish).

The state sector

Within the state sector, which includes higher education institutions, there is a collective agreement that regulates the terms of government employment, Villkorsavtal-T, terms and conditions agreement. Chapter four of this agreement regulates working time issues. Appendix five of the agreement regulates the working time of university teachers and annual working time, as well as other matters such as work task planning, which is closely linked to your working hours. It also requires higher education institutions to have local working time agreements that regulate the distribution of annual working hours. The full text of Villkorsavtal-T can be found on the Swedish Agency for Government Employers’ website (in Swedish).

Questions about working time

If you have any questions about your working time, you should always start by looking at your local agreement or contacting your local union representatives.