Membership fees
How much does it cost?
SULF membership fee is SEK 285 per month, including income insurance. It is easiest to pay your fees by e-invoice or by direct debit. A charge of SEK 19 per invoice will be added for a paper invoice.
The fee for doctoral candidates is only 100 SEK per month. You get access to all membership benefits.
Fees to unemployment insurance funds are not included. In order to receive payments from the income insurance, you must be entitled to income-related unemployment benefits from the unemployment insurance fund. This means that you need to have been both a member of SULF and an unemployment insurance fund for at least 12 months in order to take advantage of the insurance. SULF therefore recommends that members also become members of Akademikernas a-kassa.
Category | Fee/month |
Ordinary member | SEK 285 |
Paid position as doctoral candidate | SEK 100 |
Retired | SEK 660 annually |
Dual membership SULF has dual membership agreements with 18 other Saco associations. For more information about dual membership, please contact SULF’s membership service. |
Applicable fees regarding dual membership (in Swedish). |
Stipends, and some other groups, can apply for reduction. Read more under “Reduced membership fees”.
SULF respects the environment! If membership fees are paid electronically by all SULF members, this will make a difference to the environment and this is also in compliance with the union’s environmental policy. So, for the sake of the environment, please choose direct debit or e-invoice.
Additionally, if you choose direct debit or e-invoice, it will be easier for both you and the union. And you will avoid the paper invoice charge!
There are three ways to pay membership fees: direct debit (monthly) or e-invoice (monthly or yearly) or by having a paper invoice sent to you. For paper invoices, a fee of SEK 19 is charged per invoice.
- Direct debit means that SULF members give SULF the power of attorney to deduct membership fees monthly from their bank accounts. To sign up for a direct debit, please contact your internet bank. Select SULF as payee. If your bank requests a payment number or similar, enter your 10-digit personal registration number without hyphens. SULF fees are payable in arrears and deducted on the last banking day of each month. (The bankgiro number for autogiro payments is 772-5633. Please note that this is not the same bankgiro number as for paper invoices).
- E-invoice: If you are a customer of a bank that can receive e-invoices and have a payment service through your internet bank, you may pay your membership fees through an e-invoice. This is a simple and easy way to pay and means that the invoice is sent to your internet bank instead of sending it by regular mail. The electronic invoice contains the same information as a paper invoice. Most major banks in Sweden are affiliated. To obtain an e-invoice, log in to your internet bank and complete the registration.
- Paper invoice. You can choose to have a paper invoice posted to you for your membership fees for an entire year or one for each month. A charge pf SEK 19 is added per invoice sent.
For pensioner membership, pay monthly by direct debit or yearly via paper or e-invoice. Paper invoices mean an additional charge of SEK 19.
Payment from abroad (to bankgiro number 885-9225):
IBAN number: SE15 8000 0890 1191 4326 5990
Currency: SEK
Swedbank is SULF’s bank. State your personal registration and invoice number as payment reference. You are liable for any bank/transaction charges.
Membership fees at SEK 285 cover a number of benefits, including the SULF income insurance. Unemployment insurance is additional, sign up for it separately to Akademikernas a-kassa.
SULF is an environmentally-aware organisation – Swedish university teachers and researchers take care of the environment! If membership fees were paid electronically by all SULF members, this would make a difference to the environment and, furthermore, be well in line with the union’s environment policy. Add that this payment method is easier for both you and the union, then the answer is clear – choose an electronic payment method:
There are three ways to pay your fees: a bill sent to your home, direct debit (monthly) or e-invoice (quarterly/annually).
Please note that if you currently pay by direct debit and wish to switch to e-invoicing, let us know so we can remove your direct debit authorisation E-mail us then remove your direct debit authorisation at the bank.
Direct debit
Your membership fee is deducted automatically every month from your bank account.
Log on to your online bank to register direct debits.
You receive a bill presented electronically to your online bank account and you just accept it. All the data concerning your payment is already complete. Log on to your online bank to register for e-invoicing.
Bill monthly/annually by post.
SULF membership fee is SEK 285 per month. including income insurance. Here you can see how the membership fees are used . Overall costs of premises, staff and It is distributed among the different categories.
Academic careers bring a variety of employment conditions so SULF has chosen to reduce its membership fees for doctoral students or members who are on a scholarship.
Reduced fees also apply to members who have been unemployed for a such a short time that they aren´t covered by unemployment insurance. If you have a dual membership you can’t have reduced fees.
Limited reduced fees
- Doctoral candidates with scholarships
- Work abroad without paid position from Sweden (except members who have access to guest membership in Canada, Irland, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway or Finland for a period no longer than 2 years
- Unemployed members who have not been members long enough to qualify for compensation from the unemployment insurance fund (A-kassa).
Any questions about your membership fees? Please contact the membership register by e-mail.
Notify SULF that you wish to pay reduced membership fees. The reduction applies for a limited period, with the exception of fees for retirees.
Let us know that you wish to apply for reduced fees by sending an e-mail to Specify membership number/personal registration number and the type of reduction relevant.
Note that fee reduction is not granted retroactively. Any questions about your membership fees? Please contact the membership register by e-mail or telephone on 08-50583600. Phone hours for the membership register: 9 to 11.30 a.m. on normal working days.