At present SULF membership register is only accessible by e-mail.

News archive

Has the lynchpin snapped?

Mats Ericson, chair of SULF   In 1999, the Council for Higher Education published a report entitled Is the lynchpin…
12 October 2015

Together we can achieve solidarity across national borders

Lars-Åke Lööv, 2nd Deputy Chair of SULF Within the union movement has always been, and still is, a willingness to…
7 September 2015

2% will not shift the balance

Håkan Lindkvist, First Deputy Chair of SULF In recent decades, the balance between direct and external funding has shifted from being…
1 June 2015

Cancel productivity deductions in higher education

Helén Persson, Third Deputy Chair of SULF The fact that the number of students in higher education has increased significantly…
27 April 2015