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Public defences of doctoral theses

At some higher education institutions, lawyers have claimed that it is impossible to hold doctoral thesis defences as video conferences…
23 March 2020

Information about the coronavirus

We have collected some important questions and answers regarding the coronavirus. As information and recommendations are subject to change, we…
17 March 2020

Correction of incorrect salary deductions

In 2019, Saco-S discovered an error in some payroll systems. It has now been found that the error only affects…
10 March 2020

Pleasing result of Swedish-Turkish trade union cooperation

In December last year, SULF travelled to Turkey together with Saco and the National Union of Teachers in Sweden to…
24 February 2020

Reduced tax for trade union fees

Trade union membership fees are tax deductible for fees paid up to and including March 2019. The deduction takes the…
28 January 2020

Dictionary for higher education

The Swedish-English dictionary for higher education from The Swedish Council for Higher Education, UHR, includes over 1700 entries. It’s possible…
15 January 2020

Updated website

We have updated Among other things, what was previously called Facts has changed its name to Work, salary and…
9 December 2019

New rules for the selectable part of your occupational pension

On 1 October 2020, new rules will be introduced regarding payment of the selectable part of the state occupational pension.…
28 November 2019

Higher employment protection age and other changes to collective agreements

Saco-S and the Swedish Agency for Government Employers have agreed on amendments to Villkorsavtal-T, Affärsverksavtal-T and Chefsavtalet as a result…
13 November 2019

Report: Lip service?  About recruitment in academia

Short version of the report Ett spel för galleriet – om anställningsprocesser i akademin Authors: Anna Lundgren, Git Claesson Pipping…
30 October 2019
Bild på SULF:s ordförande Mats Ericson och bild på rapporten Spel för galleriet? (jpg).