March 10-21, the SULF membership register is only accessible by e-mail.

State sector


Via the Villkorsavtal-T Collective Agreement, Chapter 10, you are entitled to reimbursement for certain expenses incurred in connection with your work, including travel expenses and per diem/daily allowance. In some cases there are local collective agreements in place that replace ALFA-T in these matters, please contact your local union representative for more information on what applies at your university.

Business travel and posting
As a state employee, you are entitled to travel expenses and per diem/daily allowance. These are calculated with reference to your actual mode of travel and your actual absence from the workplace/residence/other location where the journey starts or ends. Anyone who so requests is permitted to receive advance payment of travel expenses and per diem/daily allowance.

Most universities have local collective agreements on travel expenses and per diem/daily allowance, in some cases also local agreements on travel time payment. Contact your local union representative for more information on what applies at your university.

Removals expenses

As a state employee, you are also entitled to removals costs under certain conditions:

  • If your change of place of work was not at your initiative.
  • If the change of place of work occurred because you are transitioning to a higher level position with the university.
  • If the employer considers there are special reasons to pay removals expenses.

These expenses may include travel expenses for the journey for the employee and family members, reimbursement for transportation of goods, losses on sale of primary residence, curtain grants, visits and double rental costs.

For more information about the rules regarding removals expenses please refer to the Villkorsavtal-T Collective Agreement.

Note that it is the employer who determines whether there is a special reason to pay removals expenses.