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Webinar: What if I become unemployed?

What do I need to do and when? What is the work requirement when applying for a-kassa and how do I apply for SULF´s Income insurance? Just lean back for 15 minutes and let SULF´s representative guide you through the wonders and mysteries of Swedish labour market security.

Webinar: The enquiry about migration rules for doctoral candidates and researchers

The government has decided to start an enquiry with the goal to improve the conditions for doctoral candidates and researchers …

Webbinarium: Att vara doktorand – doktoranders villkor och rättigheter

Att vara doktorand – doktoranders villkor och rättigheter. SULF:s ombudsman Catrine Folcker föreläser. Filmen är en inspelning från ett webbinarium …

Webinar: The income requirement for permanent residence permit

The Court of Appeal (Migrationsöverdomstolen) recently clarified how the income requirement for permanent residence permit should be interpreted. The decision …

Webinar: Income insurance

What is income insurance and does it really make a difference? How do I apply and how much can I …

Webinar together with Akademikernas a-kassa

Help, what if I get unemployed?!? What do I need to do and when? Are trade unions and unemployment insurance …

Webinar: Should I stay or should I go?

Which are the most common occupations for PhD:s and is a career outside academia possible? Karin Åmossa, PhD, Head of …