At present SULF membership register is only accessible by e-mail.

News archive

Higher employment protection age and other changes to collective agreements

Saco-S and the Swedish Agency for Government Employers have agreed on amendments to Villkorsavtal-T, Affärsverksavtal-T and Chefsavtalet as a result…
13 November 2019

Report: Lip service?  About recruitment in academia

Short version of the report Ett spel för galleriet – om anställningsprocesser i akademin Authors: Anna Lundgren, Git Claesson Pipping…
30 October 2019
Bild på SULF:s ordförande Mats Ericson och bild på rapporten Spel för galleriet? (jpg).

Help us improve conditions for doctoral candidates

The SULF Association of Doctoral Candidates , formerly known as SDF, monitors the interests of doctoral candidates and works for better…
17 October 2019

Turkish courts acquit academics accused of terrorism

Our Turkish colleagues accused of terrorism in 2016 have been released. We learned the good news from the Turkish trade…
11 September 2019

Information about incorrect salary deductions

Saco-S has noted that certain salary systems used by state employers, including those employers who manage their payroll through the…
25 June 2019

SULF Extraordinary Congress resolution - new internal organisation

From July 1 2019, SULF will have a new internal organisation structure. The purpose of the change is to generate…
20 June 2019

Do you have the right salary? Updated salary statistics are now available

SULF has compiled salary statistics for September 2018 for selected job titles and functions. You can see the salary levels…
20 March 2019

Special banking offer to doctoral candidates

We know that it can sometimes be difficult and stressful to negotiate with the bank. Especially if you are a…
19 March 2019

Help us to improve

Fill in our questionnaire and help us improve our website! Your comments can help make the site more interesting and…
12 February 2019

Measures to mitigate the effects for UK citizens in Sweden for a no-deal Brexit

SULF has responded to a government referral on the subject of Brexit and its consequences for UK citizens in Sweden:…
Consultation response
28 January 2019