At present SULF membership register is only accessible by e-mail.

News archive

Resolution adopted at the meeting of the Nordic unions and professional associations within higher education and research on Iceland in May 2016

The contributions of university teachers and researchers are a prerequisite for sustainable social development. The knowledge that future generations will…
15 June 2016

This is how SULF contributes to the global development of research

2nd Deputy Chair of SULF   The problems facing humanity know no boundaries. We all know that economic crises, social…
6 June 2016

Barriers for women in both USA and Sweden

Helén Persson, 3:e. ordförande för SULF It is useful to change perspective sometimes. What if it were the opposite? John…
25 April 2016

Clearly-defined career paths  - a win/win situation

“…good working conditions and more secure employment positions must be offered.” The Research Career Report will shortly be presented. The…
22 March 2016

Consultation response: SULF opposes the proposal of the Management Commission

  After the autonomy reform in 2011, much of the legal basis for collegial influence has been removed and it…
Consultation response
2 March 2016

Basic government grants must form the long-term foundation

Mats Ericson, SULF chair SULF has recently been given the opportunity to submit comments on the report Research Quality Evaluation…
15 February 2016

Consultation response: Research quality evaluation in Sweden – FOKUS

SULF firmly rejects the proposal to implement FOKUS and to continue the redistribution of basic grant funding based on various…
Consultation response
7 January 2016

A gender equal Research Bill is a question of quality

In this sector, it is a widely-recognised  truth that the balance between direct and internal research resources must be altered.…
16 November 2015

This is a time when we need to rally all good forces.

Last week’s meeting of the national board of SULF was meant to focus on the future and on SULF:s upcoming…
2 November 2015