At present SULF membership register is only accessible by e-mail.

Reduced tax for trade union fees


Trade union membership fees are tax deductible for fees paid up to and including March 2019. The deduction takes the form of a tax reduction of 25 per cent if you paid more than SEK 400 in membership fees to DIK or any other trade union during the first quarter of 2019. As a member, you do not need to do anything yourself. SULF provides the relevant information to the Swedish Tax Agency.

The right to reduced taxation for trade union fees was abolished last year and therefore only membership fees that you paid between 1 January and 31 March 2019 are deductible on your next tax return.

You have the right to choose to be exempt from the tax reduction, and if you do so we will not send the information to the Tax Agency. Please contact us by email or letter no later than 30 January if you do not wish us to submit the tax reduction information.

Information from the Swedish Tax Agency (in Swedish).

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