At present SULF membership register is only accessible by e-mail.

This is a time when we need to rally all good forces.


Last week’s meeting of the national board of SULF was meant to focus on the future and on SULF:s upcoming congress, but it was covered by a veil of sorrow, shock and dismay. The recent events in Sweden – arson and violence – are abhorrent to all of us. We, as a nation, should be better than this. We must be better than this.

SULF condemns all forms of racism, racist violence and terror. But that isn’t enough. We must each and every one of us do more. We must do what little we can to change this tide. We know that our colleagues in universities and colleges all over Sweden help by producing and sharing important knowledge that can help us understand and develop our society so that things like these won’t happen again. This is a time when we need to rally all good forces. Because we must be better than this.

For the SULF national board
Mats Ericson, Chair

SULF contributes by supporting Cara, Council for At-Risk Academics.

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