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New publication: Academic teachership


Education as an antidote to hostility to knowledge and resistance to facts is a decisive factor for constructive and democratic development. Education must therefore be of the very best quality and all attempts that reduce quality must be resisted. However, the conditions for university teachers to develop their teaching is far from optimal. That is why SULF (The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers) has intensified its efforts to create the right conditions to strengthen university teaching. This is absolutely vital if teaching is to be able to adapt to a variety of forms and meet the needs of a variety of students.

SULF, with this publication, wishes to contribute to the ongoing development of the university pedagogical debate. We have invited two Swedish professors in the field of university pedagogics, Klara Bolander Laksov and Max Scheja, to write texts that we hope will come to good use in universities .

SULF demands the following measures for the development of academic teachership and to ensure the quality of higher education:

The State must:

• Guarantee that a future system for the allocation of resources provides the right conditions for university teachers to develop their academic teachership in the best possible way.
• Prevent the reduction of resources by cancelling the productivity deduction.

The universities must:
• Ensure that all teachers are given time and opportunities to conduct academic teachership. The time allowed for pedagogical development must be clearly stated in the worktime contract
• Offer all teachers continual pedagogical competence development that is based on scientific facts and proven experience.
• Ensure that at every university there are clear criteria for assessing pedagogical merit for careers, recruitment and salary setting.
• Create arenas that make it possible for teachers to meet and conduct
a dialogue about university pedagogical development.

You can order a copy of the printed publication in English by filling out the form here

You can download the pdf here.

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