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Debate: New requirements of language skills create brain drain

SULF in the media

SULF has written a debate article in the Swedish daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet together with Sveriges Ingenjörer, the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers. The article discusses the problems arising from the Migration Committee's proposed on requirements of language skills and other conditions for highly qualified workers to be able to obtain permanent residence permits. There is a danger that the introduction of such requirements for people who work in organisations where English is the working language will very quickly result in many key employees being expelled from Sweden. This would impact Sweden's competitiveness and make the country less attractive to researchers, doctoral candidates and engineers. SULF and Sveriges Ingenjörer therefore demand that the proposal be thrown in the wastepaper basket.

Read the debate article Nya migrationskrav skapar kompetensflykt i Svenska dagbladet (in Swedish)

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