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News archive

The government is passing the buck and putting up a smokescreen

In its Research Bill, the government declared that it was important to increase the proportion of foreign doctoral candidates who…
12 October 2021
bild på mats ericson, förbundsordförande i SULF

Legal insurance - new membership benefit

Do you know what applies when you move in together, get married, start a business or find yourself in a…
1 October 2021

PhD-students greatly concerned over new residence permit rules

SULF:s Robert Andersson is being interviewed: -The problem is that the politicians have been so focused on how to handle…
SULF in the media
20 September 2021

Sign petition and lobby your politicians

On July 20, 2021, a new Aliens Act came into effect. This law introduced new requirements for permanent residence permits,…
6 September 2021

Watch our webinar about the changes to the Aliens Act

On 22 June, the Swedish parliament approved amendments to the Aliens Act. These came into force on 20 July. For…
3 September 2021

Take Action for Afghanistan’s scholars, researchers, and civil society actors

SULF has signed an appeal to European governments and EU institutions to take immediate action to secure the lives and…
31 August 2021

Debate: “New migration rules could result in brain drain”

This is a translation of a debate article in Swedish, ”Nya migrations­regler kan orsaka forskar­flykt”. The Swedish article was published…
SULF in the media
26 August 2021

OPINION: Sweden’s new migration act will damage our research and send international talent elsewhere

Sweden’s new migration act imposes tough conditions for permanent residency. Jenny Iao-Jörgensen and Benny Borghei of the Swedish Association of…
SULF in the media
20 August 2021

Changes to the Aliens Act impact researchers and doctoral candidates

On 22 June, the Swedish parliament approved amendments to the Aliens Act. These came into force on 20 July. For…
19 August 2021

Changes to the Swedish Employment Protection Act (LAS)

The government has proposed new legislation in line with the agreement on security, transition and employment protection that the social…
9 June 2021