At present SULF membership register is only accessible by e-mail.

News archive

Collective bargaining process within the state sector now completed

We have now concluded negotiations on changes to the central collective agreements and on continued collaboration between the central association…
4 December 2020

Halt the execution of Swedish-Iranian academic Ahmadreza Djalali

The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers has sent a letter to the Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, leader of…
26 November 2020

Collective bargaining in the state sector has started

The parties to the collective agreement have submitted their demands ahead of the autumn negotiations, which according to the current…
23 September 2020

Expedition guide for your career in academia

Academic careers can look so incredibly different. You might be a student with research ambitions; a doctoral candidate who is…
21 September 2020

One in 10 PhD candidates at a Swedish university were offered posts before they were advertised

A significant proportion of PhD candidates are offered their position before it is publicly advertised, a new survey from Sweden’s…
SULF in the media
17 September 2020

New unemployment insurance fee from October

On 1 October, the contribution to the unemployment insurance fund will be increased to SEK 140 per month. Conditions in…
8 September 2020

Free insurance consultation offer from Folksam

We are currently living through a time when the safety and security of you and your loved ones is more…
16 June 2020

SULF during the summer

During the summer, the SULF telephone switchboard, member’s helpline and the membership service are open Monday to Friday 9-11.30. The…
15 June 2020

New publication: Academic teachership

Education as an antidote to hostility to knowledge and resistance to facts is a decisive factor for constructive and democratic…
28 May 2020

Watch our SULFinars

A SULFinar is a webinar where we raise topics that are of interest to PhD candidates. Here you will find…
18 May 2020