Publications and reports
SULF conducts extensive advocacy operations. These include contacts with Government, MPs, university and college managements, media and people at universities and colleges. SULF is also involved in the political week at Almedalen and organizes seminars and debates on higher education issues.
SULF publications: SULF publishes its own, much appreciated, series. If you are SULF member, state your membership number or personal registration number when ordering to obtain your copy of any of the following at membership price. SULF local associations receive ten copies at no charge. Prices are exclusive of VAT. Shipping costs will be added. Ten percent discount given on orders of ten copies or more. Order publications by sending an email and stating the title, number you wish to order and your contact details.
- Expedition guide for your career in academia, 2020, In English. (SULF members can download a pdf on My pages). One free copy per member, otherwise 75 SEK for printed publication.
- Academic teachership 2020, (pdf). In English. Free.
- Om kollegialitet, 2013 (pdf). Free.
- Fortsatt utbyggnad - fortsatt urholkning, 2012 (pdf). Free.
- Kokbok för jämställd akademi, 2011 (pdf). Free.
- Universitetslärares upphovsrätt, 2011 (pdf). One free copy per member, otherwise 75 SEK for printed publication.
- Din Tur - ny upplaga 2011. One free copy per member, otherwise 75 SEK for printed publication.
SULF reports
PDF only, not in print.
- On academic freedom, 2023, pdf
- Spotlight on gender equality: When insecurity overshadows everything (2022)
- The shadow of uncertainty: external funding, precarious employment and work environment in higher education, short version in English (all versions below), 2021:
Hela rapporten
Kort version av rapporten
Short version av rapporten på engelska - Uncertainty – a reality for junior researchers in Sweden (In English)
- Det akademiska skruvstädet - om it-stress och all annan press, 2019 (pdf)
- Ingen tid för forskning - om professorers arbetsvillkor, 2018 (pdf)
- Systemfel i kunskapsfabriken - om urholkning av ersättningsbeloppen till högre utbildning, 2018 (pdf)
- Ett spel för galleriet? Om anställningsprocesserna i akademin, 2018 (pdf) Short version in English
- Om att bli handledd och handleda, 2015 (pdf)
- Siffrorna som saknas, 2014, interaktiv statistik (pdf)
- Om tidsbegränsade anställningar och kvalitet i akademin, 2013 (pdf)