If you have received information from Folksam that your insurance has been terminated; If you don’t have cancelled your membership, you have nothing to worry about. The insurances have not been  terminated and still applies. SULF and Folksam apologize for the incorrect information. Folksam will send out information and a confirmation that the insurance is valid.

SULF:s Membership service is closed today, October 25

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Non-Swedish doctoral candidates and social insurance benefits

Work-based benefits In order to be covered by work-based benefits you must be, or have been, employed on a salary…
Foreign citizens

Employment conditions for professors emeritus

Currently there are no standard regulations for the rights and duties of emeriti after retirement. A small number of universities…


In the most prominent research nations, retirement age does not necessarily mean that professors close down their research. Quite the…

Union services abroad

For SULF members working abroad for a maximum of two years it is possible to become a guest member of…
Postdok/working abroad

Practical tips and advice for a successful time abroad

During your stay abroad you might be posted there by a Swedish organisation, get a scholarship or become a local…
Postdok/working abroad

Working abroad on a scholarship

If you are working abroad without being employed with financing in the form of a scholarship, contact Akademikernas a-kassa to…
Postdok/working abroad

Unemployment benefits when working abroad

Different rules apply depending on whether you are employed locally by a foreign employer, if you are working abroad but…
Postdok/working abroad

Income insurance

If you are a member of SULF, income insurance is included in your membership. In order to receive this benefit…

Health insurance for members of SULF

Health insurance from Folksam is included in the SULF membership. The insurance is free of charge for all working members…

Supplementary private insurance cover

Although you are covered by a comprehensive range of collective insurance schemes, there may be good reason to review your…