SULF:s medlemsregister telefontider från och med 17 februari är måndag, onsdag och fredag kl 09.00-11.30 på telefon 08-505 836 00 (menyval 2). / SULF’s membership service telephone hours from February 17 are Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 09.00-11.30,  telephone 08-505 836 00 (menu option 2).

Sök efter:
23 januari

Uppsala universitet: Information seminar on leaves

Observera att denna händelse ägde rum för mer än en vecka sedan.

Se allt kommande i vårt kalendarium.

SULF/Uppsala invites you to a seminar on leaves.  We will provide an introduction to the rules and regulations related to different kinds of leave. What do Swedish laws and our collective agreements allow us? Our main speaker will be a representative from SULF’s central office.

Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025
Time: 13.15-15.00
Place: Biomedicinskt centrum (BMC), Room E10:1309 (“Triple room”,
Language: The presentations will be held in English.
Registration: register by filling in the form below

There will be fika for the participants. Please bring a friend.

  • Legal grounds for different types of leave: law and collective agreements (e.g. villkorsavtal-T)
  • sick leave and leave according to illness, including leave related to mental health and “burn out”
  • parental leave and leave related to sick child (VAB)
  • leave for seriously ill relative (Närståendevård)
  • leave for studies
  • leave for other employment 

We are looking forward to seeing you!